Thursday, January 7, 2010


This Week Is OVER! well work week that is! So I just barely went back to work. Yeah I know I am a slacker...its been about a year of no work for me! Anyhoo, So the other girl Lisa who works up front and runs the show was gone this week! So I had to do her job. Well like half her job, she does alot more then I did this week. :) But I just have to say, Lisa your amazing! You do way to much to make everyone happy and everything go smooth! I am glad she will be back on Monday! Cuz for a slacker like me working all day after not at all really makes me tired! One day I was alseep by 8! Only to wake to my mom poking me to make me take my meds! Lets say I wasnt to happy about that! But hey I went right back to sleep after that so no harm no foul.

Oh so to day I did get some joy in! I got to drive my dads new 350 ford diesel king cab home from poky! Now if you want to feel like king of the road drive that sucker! I felt like a little girl driving on her moms lap in the car. I found the whole experience to be quite enjoyable! So tonight I will finally get to play the wii! That darn Mario....he is addicting! And dont get me started on the Lego game!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So there are a few things in my life that I am addicted to! Now most people will think my little joys I find in life are kinda strange but I love them! So I just want to share a few things I am addicted to and love!

Retractable Sharpie Pens! I thought my love for sharpie pens couldn't run deeper...but then they made them retractable! I know its amazing right! I show people them all the time and talk about them! They are my new Favorite!

Soft Lips-winter mint! This is the best chap stick ever! Since this summer my lips have cracked and are so gross looking but this is the best chap stick I have found! Love it!

NCIS! Ok I honestly could watch this show all the time! I think I have watch all the episodes twice! but still love it! I dont know why. Its not like I have a hidden passion to go to a crime scenes and figure out who and why they are killed. To be honest I think I personally would die if i ever stumbled across a murder! Shoot I had to vomit when I saw our dog kill and eat a mouse! Yes there is no way that I Mandy Avery could be a NCIS agent! I guess I will just have to stick to watching in on the TV!

Post it notes! Now this has been a addiction of mine for a very long time! It was seeded in me on my mission. Although I have loved them for a long time it doesn't make my love fore them weaken! In fact I think my love for them has just grown over time! Is it bad I look for reasons to use a post it note?

CRAFTINESS! Ok This makes me happy even typing it! ok don't judge me I spent like over a hour online going from blog to blog about crafts and it made me oh so happy! I honestly think I get a high when I go to craft stores. Now don't get the wrong idea just cuz I love crafts doesn't mean I am good at them! I have a sleight problem I blame on my grandparents. I have the perfectionist of my grandma in me. If something is off at all it drives me nuts! But I also have the umm inpatients of my grandpa! If I cant do it right the first time I cant stand to sit there and fix things over and over again. So that compo keeps me from doing most crafts but I still love to look at them and hope one day I can overcome my grandparents ;)

I have many more addictions but this is all I have time for....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So Wow! its been over a year since I last blogged! But hey I think you will forgive me after the year I had! So I decided I am going to make a strong effort into blogging regularly. I think it is good and healthy to have a place to vent and write down your life story. So wish me luck! For a while I was trying to think of how I can catch up on the last year, but then I thought to my self that would be a very long sad depressing blog! Anyways most of who will read thins knows all my drama so I will just take a quick sec to do a run threw....

Jan Dr's think i have a blood clot and i grew extra vains
Feb Not a blood clot but need a valve replaced..ok make that two
Mar Open heart surgery
Apr Reaction to antibiotics - not pretty
May Removed extra vains
Jun Deathly sick, send me home on iv meds, still sick, find a infection on new valve
Jul. Aug. Sep. Still sick, way sick! Honestly I dont remember much form these months. I know I was in the hospital most the time, had a lung surgery, valve replaced, pacemaker put in and more drugs. :)
Oct. still in the hospital- but got out in time for Halloween
Nov. Went for check up have A Flutter now...more time in the hospital.
Dec. ONLY MONTH NOT IN THE HOSPITAL! only cuz I was on blood thinner and they couldnt go in and fix the a flutter!

SO although last year was full of needles, bad news, hospitals, surgery, vomit and tears, I learned so much! I learned that the Lord cares for you even you feel like you are in hell. Also that Family and friends who care will be there no matter what. Also I learned that blessing will come after the trial! (when I am done with this trial I will tell you about the blessing;) )

So now with all that behind me I am ready for a new year! Ready to do what the Lord needs me to do. Oxygen tank and all I am relieing on Him! So everyone there it is, my goal for the year. Please stay in touch and peek in every once in a while to see where my crazy life has taken me!