Thursday, July 1, 2010

The things I learned today....

So today was a interesting day and I learned alot so I thought I would share my thoughts...

Hitting your head on a door while you open it hurts but more importantly will leave a nice mark...

Sometimes at work I need to be like thumper "if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all"

Unexpected flowers totally makes my day...but angers me I dont know who they came from!

Looking at old pictures sure does make me laugh! Oh how would it be to be three or four again?

Back in the day my grandpa was pretty good looking, way to go grandma!

Asphalt pie is never as good as it needs to be..

When you go to the children's clinic and give your birthday and say 5-13-83, they think you are joking about the 83 part...but sadly no no i am not joking at all.

The scale at the children's clinic is my new best friend! It said I was 10 pound lighter than i thought!

The sign that says "Please do not allow children to play with the instruments" no longer applies to me, for I am not a child and that sign says nothing about not allowing adults to play with them!

The seat in the dr. office is made for kids so its lower than you time I will prepare myself for that.

I am basically a Dr. I talked them into letting me hook myself up to the EKG...and guess what I did it right and faster than they do!

I now know that Dr.s gossip about patients... I found this out when my one SLC Dr. who came to pocatello said "So Dr. Green said you have a nice looking he here with you do I get to meet him?" True story that happened!

I also learned that I know some pretty amazing people!